It’s time for another weekly creative prompt word. These weekly words, or prompts, are to give me, and anyone else who wants to join in, some focus to our creative work.
Today is Palm Sunday. In certain faiths, this is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem to welcoming cheers. The officials were not happy. They didn’t want anyone or anything apart from what the state-approved to be revered, and within a week, they pretty much had their way. Today we have a little more freedom to what we want to show adoration. Therefore…
This week’s creative prompt word is:
Worship — great admiration or devotion shown towards a person or principle
this isn’t the only definition of worship, but I wanted to steer as clear as possible from any ‘organised’ meaning
Let the prompt inspire you in any area of creativity that you are interested:
- writing fiction
- art journaling
- songwriting
- journaling
- photography
- painting
- composing
- blog posts
- art therapy
- anything that could use a little nudge to begin
I now have ‘worship’ written on the board above my computer. I am confident it will inspire me on my creative journey this week. The concept of worship, whether religious or more general, enables me to think beyond myself. I hope that it will help you step back and appreciate things in the next few days.
As mentioned before, this isn’t a ‘challenge’ but the prompts can be used that way if you want. If you do create anything using them, I would love to see or hear about it. Leave a link in the comments below or tag me @darrenrhill or #thecreativeminimalist on any social platform.

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