A Fiction Writing Prompt exploring the word balance to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

I hold my breath. This moment can go as planned or spectacularly wrong. I begin to move.
Writing Prompt Expanded
My creative word this week is balance. It is a word that keeps cropping up in my thoughts and journaling. And it is the background for today’s writing prompt. The narrator is ready to do something. Before moving everything is ready and in balance. Then they move.
This prompt is about describing balance and how movement affects it. One challenge is to write without actually explaining what is balanced. Another is to explore something that isn’t tangible, such as feelings or dreams of the future. Here are a few more questions to inspire…
- Does time stand still, and how do you describe that?
- What is the predominant feeling, hope or fear? Why?
- Who benefits if balance is lost, and who will not?
I struggle with living in the present ‘balanced’ moment (more of that in future posts) as I spend far too much time either looking backward or to the future. If you are like me then this challenge is quite helpful as something to explore in your journal. Take a moment to appreciate and give thanks when things are balanced. It is beneficial. However, we all need to take a step and begin to move… and begin to write as well.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story, something a little more grandiose, or as a journal prompt. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments, use the hashtag #ffwp or tag me @darrenrhill. I’d love to read what you create. Write and enjoy the learning process.
Original stone balance image by Einfach-Eve from Pixabay

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