Be happy – A Fiction Writing Prompt to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

It felt like every muscle on my face took part in producing my smile. My skin stretched like a supple yoga enthusiast.
Writing Prompt Expanded
This week’s Friday Fiction Writing Prompt is all about showing and describing but without telling. Let me explain. The challenge is to show that your character is happy without saying they are happy. It is very easy to say x or y was happy, but it isn’t very exciting and it doesn’t engage the reader on a deeper level. Saying someone is happy is plain and passive. It has its place but will not let your reader engage on a deep level with your character(s). Showing what your character feels, rather than telling, allows the reader to join in the experience. It brings the narrative much closer, and when you write, closeness is good.
It is all about describing the change, from one state of being to happiness.
- How does your character look?
- Does their voice change?
- What is different about them?
Of course, you don’t need to use the prompt as it is. You can play with any emotion or feeling as long as you don’t say what it is, happy, sad, angry etc. No rules just write and enjoy.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your own interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments or tag me. I’d love to read what you create. Write and enjoy the learning process.
Background Image of the lady by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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