I wrote a piece of music for the Christmas holidays. I now offer it to you. You can hear it below or download to keep and listen anytime you want. I hope it brings you a little pleasure in these difficult times. As you hear the bells jingle raise a prayer or intention and perhaps you’ll receive that Christmas miracle.
Please share this page with anyone you think might like to have a little uplifting tune
If you like the music be sure to check out my Bandcamp page and this temple eden homepage, where you’ll find more music and related news and information. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays safely when they arrive and have a lovely weekend.
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A Fiction Writing Prompt to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.
There were faces all around, looking intently at me, but I recognised none of them
A piece of advice often given to would be writers is to write about what you know. Well, this is a challenge that develops that idea. Here you’re prompted to write about what you don’t know, but for a purpose.
So what has happened?
Or it could be something else. As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your own interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments or tag me #thecreativeminimalist #ffwp. I’d love to read what you create. Write and enjoy the learning process.
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advent noun
1 the arrival of a notable person or thing: the advent of television.
2 (Advent) the first season of the Church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays.
Old English, from Latin adventus ‘arrival’, from advenire, from ad- ‘to’ + venire ‘come’.
Advent has arrived. Of course, there is a certain irony to think of a period that looks forward as something that is here now. But thoughts like that seem particularly poignant this year. Every month, or week, or moment, I have thought we have got somewhere, arrived, only to realise that things have not improved or changed.
Primarily because of the pandemic and partly due to my laziness, I haven’t got an advent candle this year. It’s the first time in several years I don’t have one. I have found great comfort in the moments spent meditating and contemplating ‘stuff’ each day as one number at a time melted away. I don’t need a numbered candle for that but every symbol helps and is a gentle reminder that there is more out there than my own personal bubble of fears, worries and concerns.
The pandemic has disrupted things. It has disrupted routines. It has disrupted structure and function and forms of living. Whether any of the things it has disrupted could be called normal is debatable, but what is certain is that our regular has been disrupted.
Back to my lack of a candle: disruption to my regular. It is easy to focus on the negative of this disruption. To focus on what I don’t have and what I can’t have. The challenge is to look forward.
I don’t have a candle. You may not have a candle, or struggle to find any light, but it is there. We can all hold on to a little hope, a little faith, a little miracle. Despite all that the virus and 2020 si throwing at us, there is hope and there is light. The tunnel may be of indeterminate length but it will have an end and as we travel along the light will brighten. This is Advent.
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An overview of my December journal and planner set-up. My Bullet Journal has become more like a bullet journal. However, as I bring everything into one journal I seem to be using more journals! And can you believe it is December already? I hope you are all keeping safe and well? May your planning be happy and your journaling creative and rewarding.