My word for 2025 is Odyssey. It is a guiding word, something to meditate on during the dismal grey days of February, or the oppressive heat of June. I believe this provides the perfect balance between a dedicated journey with purpose alongside the very real distractions of living and being.
a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience:
journey, voyage, trek, travels, quest, crusade, pilgrimage, wandering, journeying;
It doesn’t limit itself to the self-development or spiritual growth of a pilgrimage but can encompass it. It is a me sort of word, with multiple meanings and aspects around a theme.
Of course, one can’t truly think of the word “odyssey” without a brief mention of Homer’s renowned classic. I find the Wikipedia entry on the poem’s themes particularly insightful.
Or, a journey to a place, without a set course, with friends, family and others, a journey that will test my skills and abilities, and provide moments of spiritual contemplation and revelation.
On a more practical note, this odyssey will involve music making, digital and traditional art, multimedia, lots of learning and looking after my physical health.
I’ll share more as the year passes. I have been working on 25 goals/habits for 2025. The first and primary one is to vlog/blog each week, so I’ll have plenty of opportunities to let you know how things are going.
In the meantime, I have to do some preparation work for January. I still can’t believe we’ve spent another year in orbit around our star. I hope and pray that it was a good one for you, and may 2025 bring blessings to you all.

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