I’ve not been happy with my creative space for a while. I don’t mean to sound whiny about that. I don’t have much room to work with and the space that I do have hasn’t been working. At the same time, I am very, very grateful for the space that I do have and I know that I have blamed the space when a lot of the time it is just me not working.
Anyway, I decided to fix something I have control over. I would get myself a desk and some additional drawer space to ease the creative piles of stuff that often bring me down. So with a bank account that wasn’t looking forward to it, I hopped in the car and popped along to IKEA. A couple of hours later I returned home with a new desk, several drawers and desk tidy, type things with Swedish names.
The rest of my Bank Holiday was spent moving things around and building the desk – no royal celebrations for me. And also, which is more unfortunate, I didn’t get much time to be creative and move my projects forward. However, I am here, reporting in and staying accountable.
Creative Field Notes
The new music collection has nine tracks pretty much confirmed and one empty slot, although I have several possibilities for that. I also found a missing part of one track by bringing it in from another. Cannibalising your own music is allowed… especially if the new arrangement works. Once all the tracks are pretty much agreed upon in my head, and on paper, it will be time to record and rerecord to give them a coherent sound – a This Temple Eden sound.
This website still needs love and attention, as do several others that I own, run and use. And as a little tease, this is the current iteration of the new The Creative Minimalist logo.

I could make 101 excuses as to why I haven’t blogged yet, but the truth is I just haven’t motivated myself to get going. I will remedy that. I’ll soon be back in the swing of talking about creativity in all its breadth as seen through my little corner of the world.
The creative and learning habits are going well. I have always believed in lifelong learning so giving a little structure to that part of things is good. However, creative habits have been more of a challenge. I have been able to take the time to do them, but it is the play element that is difficult. I’ll explain a little more in a future post to see if it is something that is ongoing once the habit becomes more ingrained.
Now, I’d best get on with being creative.

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New Desk, New Possibilities! 🙂
And with the added zen feeling of tidying and organising art and stationery 😆